Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks friends and family

Thanks everyone for your calls and concern with Kaden and the recent troubles they have been having in India, he is several hundred miles away from Mumbai and there are no missionaries serving there either, We know that he is being protected and feel peace that he is safe but also feel of all your love and concern it truly does help us to keep a positive outlook.
We hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and look forward to next year and having all are family at our house, so everybody plan on being there.

Congratulation Alexa on making the Utah Soccer team, that is so awesome we look forward to watching you play good job.

Love, JayDee & Machelle


Dannette & Mark said...

Hello... I was going to call and then looked on the map and realized Kaden was a distance from the area of incidence. Thanks for the update.

ToddandTrisha said...

Hey the blog is going great, good job JayDee!! He does sound so happy and positive. What a crazy world HE lives in!!!